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Strategic Plan

"E tū pakari ana, E totoro teitei ana."

"Standing strong, reaching high"

Strategic Plan 2024 2025

Strategic Plan and 2024 Annual Plan

To view our full Strategic Plan click here.

Our Goals

Our Learning: Create opportunities for all learners to realise their potential through an engaging and innovative curriculum.

Our Culture: Recognise the unique status and importance of tangata whenua and celebrate our diversity.

Our Community: Strengthen connections within and beyond our school community.

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Ko te Pepeha Ōkaurirahi

Ko Titirangi te maunga

Ko Te Wao Nui a Tiriwa te ngahere

Ko Manukau te moana

Ko Waikūmete te manga

Ko Te Kawerau ā Maki te iwi

Ko te wharekura te marae

Ko Ōkaurirahi te kura

Te whakataukī tērā

Ko Whaiā te Mātauranga

E tū pakari ana

E totoro teitei ana

Haumi e!

Hui e!

Taiki e!

Titirangi is our mountain

Te Wao Nui a Tiriwa is our forest

The Manukau is our ocean

The Waikūmete is our stream

Te Kawerau ā Maki are our people

The wharekura or school is our meeting place

Kaurilands is our school

Our motto is...

Seeking knowledge

Standing strong

Reaching high

Gather together!

Bind together!

All is set!