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School Activities & Clubs

What else can you get involved in at Kaurilands? Have a look below and be sure to check out our school calendar for a list of what's on this week. To find out more about activites running outside school hours, visit our after school activites page.


Sport is a big part of our culture at Kaurilands School and we endeavour to take part in a variety of sports throughout the year. Senior children have the the opportunity to train and represent the school in a variety of Interschool events. A member of the sports team will notify children of the upcoming events in our Daily Tui. These events will also be posted on the school calendar.

Term 1: Cross Country, Cricket and Swimming

Term 2: Rugby League and Rippa Rugby

Term 3: Netball and Gymnastics

Term 4: Soccer and Athletics

Netball is offered to Year 2-6 children in Terms 2 and 3. Please look out for information about this in Term 1 or contact our netball coordinator Jo Senio for more information [email protected].

If you have any questions about sport please see a member of the sports team - Leanne Gibbons [email protected]

Rock Band

We have two school bands that keen musicians can take part in. If you are a keen singer, guitarist, base player, keyboard player or drummer please get in contact with Steve King [email protected]