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Our Initiatives

There's a lot more to us than meets the eye! These are a few things that make up a special part of the culture of our kura/school. Don't just read about it, come and see for yourself!

Māori / Pasifika

We maintain a strong connection to our whenua, our land and greatly value the connections created with Māori and Pasifika whānau. Students hear Te Reo everyday, during class lessons, the Daily Tui language clips, our school values and signage. Te Reo is woven throughout our curriculum.

Our annual Matariki celebrations are a real highlight in the school calendar, bringing the whole community together over stories and kai. We will be celebrating together this year (Thursday 4th July 2024). It's not to be missed so watch this space.

The whānau hui/fono is a special time of sharing ideas and vision for our kura. Dates for 2024 will be announced through Hero, via email and newsletter.

We have three kapa haka rōpū this year. Rōpū Tahi is our development group of Year 3 and 4 students. Rōpū Rua is a more experienced group of Year 3, 4, 5 and 6 students. We also have a smaller extension kapa haka rōpū which is a mix of Year 3, 4, 5 and 6 students. All three groups are taught by our very experienced tutors Te Awhina Navunidakua and Talen Hamana and practice weekly. All three rōpū perform at various times throughout the school year. The Pasifika group also meets weekly and is tutored by the wonderful Rebecca Tupa'i. Performances from these groups are not to be missed! Check out our calendar to find out about when practices and performances are and talk to your teacher if you are keen to join up.

Click here for the website for the Kapa Haka group to practice their performance songs.

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Adventure Afternoons

Adventure Afternoons are run throughout all year levels for one term a year. This is a key competency based programme (Kaurilands Learner Skills) where students choose an area of focus that they would like to pursue. Our job as teachers, is to then facilitate the children to support this interest. We always have a number of family members who come to teach our tamariki and this programme has gone from strength to strength.

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Dig In!

The children in Year 3 have the opportunity to take part in Dig In sessions. Here, the children take care of our beautiful vegetable gardens. They plant new seedlings and seeds, look after them and then use the produce they grow to cook and eat tasty food!

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School Camps and EOTC

School camps are an important part of our school curriculum. These camps allow children to take part in new and exciting activities, explore the great outdoors and build their Kaurilands Learner Skills and overall independence.

Children have their first overnight stay in Year 3 in the school hall. In Year 4 children experience a night away at Carey Park in West Auckland. Year 5 spends 2 nights at Camp Adair and Year 6 spend 3 nights at Finlay Park near Cambridge.

School camps are always a highlight of the year for everyone that attends, children, whānau and teachers.

Throughout the year, children will take part in different trips and experiences that tie in with learning in Inquiry.

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What is PB4L - School Wide Positive Behaviour for Learning

PB4L is about teaching behaviour just as we teach other subjects.

We teach behaviour through the use of our School Values (Manaakitanga, Ako, Kaitiakitanga and Whanaungatanga).

By teaching and acknowledging expected behaviour this assists with the prevention of inappropriate behaviour. Students are helped to remember our behaviour expectations by targeted teaching and through our PB4L signage situated around the school.

PB4L Gotchas are given out by any staff member to acknowledge positive playground or classroom behaviour in relation to our school values. Gotchas are placed in year level boxes and names are drawn out during hui time or syndicate assemblies.

Year levels also have in class acknowledgement systems. In Year 1 all children have an individual sticker chart. Once their chart is complete they choose a prize from the prize box. Year 2-4 students have class sticker charts. Once these are full the students receive a class reward.

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Student Leadership

Our student leadership programme offers students the opportunity to lead their peers and make decisions for our school.

Peer Mediators

The role of a peer mediator is problem solving by students with students. It is a process by which children who are having problems in the playground can work through with a peer mediator to find a solution. This role will assist duty teachers in supporting and ensuring all children feel safe and secure in our school environment.

Student Leaders

The primary role of student leaders is to give back to our Kaurilands School community. They will work together to voice the opinions of our Kaurilands students and will be part of organising school-wide activities, discussing community projects and fundraising. Another role of the student leaders is to welcome visitors to Kaurilands School and showcase all of the amazing things happening in the different spaces.

Sports Leaders

The primary purpose for sports leaders is to support the school community with sporting events, for example junior school cross country/athletics. They will also be given opportunity to run sports games during lunch times.

Other Leadership Opportunities:

  • Bell Ringer (Year 6)
  • Road Patrol (Year 6)
  • Library Monitors (Year 4-6)
  • PE shed monitors (Year 6)

Student Leadership

Digital Technology and BYOD

We believe that digital literacy and learning is an important part of being a 21st Century learner. As such students have access to iPads, Chromebooks or both in class and use these to create, present and research.

An opt- in BYOD or Bring Your Own Device programme runs in years 3-6. Students who already have an iPad or Chromebook at home are welcome to bring it to school to use for their learning. There is no obligation for children to bring a device at all as devices are provided by the school.Talk to your classroom teacher to find out more.

We strive to support families best with this new and often challenging area. You are most welcome to pop in anytime to see our Digital Learning Specialist, Stephen Gillard, in Room 2A or email him at [email protected].

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Enviro School

At Kaurilands School, we are committed to protecting and improving the environment that we are fortunate to be in, through adopting/implementing sustainable environmental practices.

We recycle, compost food waste, operate worm farms, promote litter free lunch boxes, plant native trees and grow fruit and vegetable gardens.

We inform through regular environment messages, practical ways to be environmentally conscious consumers (power, water, litter) and seek ways to better existing practices.

Visit the Enviro Schools Website to find out more.

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