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Te Whānau Āwhina

Te Whānau Āwhina work together to fundraise and help create a strong school community for our kura and is led by a group of parents. If you would like to be involved in any upcoming fundraising events or are a local business and would like to donate to us please email us at [email protected] or phone us on (09) 817-5645.

What we fundraised for in 2024

In 2024, we finished fundraising for the development of the play area for Year 1 and Year 2 students. For the remainder of 2024 our funds will go towards camps in 2025. We realise camps are a significant cost for parents and these funds will ensure any financial barriers are removed.

Te Whānau Āwhina 2025 Fundraising Project

All Weather Shelters

We’re excited to announce our fundraising focus for 2025 is to replace the canopy outside Rooms 11 to 15. The current one is no longer fit for purpose and needs replacing.

The canopy provides shelter from the sun and rain for our students, parents and Kelly Club, it is also a general meeting place. We are also fundraising for a new canopy outside Rooms 16 & 17. There is currently minimal shelter here and it would be nice for students in these rooms to be protected from the weather.

This is a BIG project and we need your help to make this happen - all our fundraising efforts this year will go towards it.

Every donation, big or small, will bring us one step closer to creating safe gathering spots for our tamariki and community.

We appreciate your support!

Te Whānau Āwhina members

Led bySarah van't Hof
MembersEmma Baker
Jen Randall
Ellie Callahan

Lucy Sullivan-Tew

Shannon Lawton

Maggie Guy

**You can also join our facebook group by searching Kaurilands School - Te Whānau Āwhina**

Fundraisers 2025

TERM 1 - (7 February to 11 April)

School MerchandiseComing soon..
Easter Raffle 2 April - 10 April

TERM 2 - (28 April to 27 June)

Samosas9 May - 26 May
Disco30 May
Bake Sale27 June

TERM 3 - (14 July to 19 September)

Quiz Night To be advised..
Calendar Art
To be advised..

TERM 4 - (6 October to 19 December)

GalaSaturday 15 Nov

Total funds raised 2025
