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Advertising Space

Our new school electronic signboard is an information hub for both school and local businesses. It is important to us that we support our local community, so we offer various packages to suit every budget.

Interested in advertising on our electronic signboard?

We can customize your package to capture prime times and aside from any school-related announcements, we will limit the advertisements to a maximum of 3-4 businesses at once. This way, your business gets optimal exposure without too much competition for attention.

Advertising packages available



GOLD Package


SILVER Package


BRONZE Package


**All prices are exclusive of GST**



  • Resolution for the sign is 512 pixels wide by 256 pixels high (landscape)
  • A poster size 10 times that (5120 pixels x 2560 pixels)
  • Content within the poster should not have small or fine text or be too cluttered
  • PNG file required with your design (Canva is a great tool for creating visual content). Canva is always free for every individual.
  • Full Colour

**All packages are subject to the School Board of Trustees approval**