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Sarah Muthiah [email protected] Hi I'm Sarah! I believe that recognising each tamariki's strengths and celebrating their successes, creates a supportive space for us all to grow and thrive in. Out of school I enjoy walking my dog, snowboarding and swimming.
Nick Van Den Borst [email protected] I am so excited to be leading the Yr 4 team at our amazing kura. Having taught for over 13 years starting in Wellington then London and Colombia, I've now settled down in West Auckland with my wife and two kids. I am leading all things digital at school and love being part of the Kaurilands whānau.
Nau mai, haere mai ki te Rūma Rua. E tū kahikatea, hei whakapae ururoa. Awhi mai, awhi atu, tātou, tātou e. Welcome to Rūma Rua. Kahikatea stand together; their roots intertwine, strengthening each other. We all help one another and together we will be strong.
Jaime Lyon [email protected] I am excited to continue my journey in the Year 3 team. I believe in the potential of every child and enjoy helping them develop into more confident and motivated learners. In my spare time I enjoy reading and swimming. I also have four children who keep me entertained!